Phone : 040 - 35822795

Mobile : +91 85002-51313

Business Application Development

You are a businessman / woman and have a great business idea to execute. You have limited resources, time constraint or just starting out without a big IT team to support you. You could set up your business and start your team and manage them – or you could outsource the application development to us and continue with building the sales part of your business while we become your IT backbone. Many entrepreneurs and business owners have used us for their application development and have found it worked well for their business.

We work with you to understand and spec out the requirements. We discuss and understand your vision and then put your plan into action with close interaction and feedback from you and your team. We are always just a call away – either on the US phone numbers or on Skype. You can interact directly with the programmers who will be more than willing to discuss the project progress and get clarifications from you.

Since we work in tandem – the custom application development gets done faster – response time is quick and because of the time difference work is done by the next day morning. We have a young and enthusiastic team always ready and willing to go the extra mile to get a task done in time. We understand that software development is not just putting code together to get a page to work – it is more an experience that should make users come back to your website or application for its ease of use and delivery of information.

We are one of the few outsourced vendors who will also send the project manager to your place to discuss the requirements. This is usually done only by bigger companies who also give a big bill for doing so. We want to work with you to understand your needs better. So that we can develop custom software that you are proud to present to your customers. And get it done in time and within your budget.

Whether it is an intranet or internet application , Windows based or web based we have the technology and talent to develop it. We help you make the web a strategic tool for your business.